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1 out of 3 high school students has experienced poor mental health over the past few years.
22% of high schoolers seriously considered attempting suicide in 2021, 10% attempted to do so.
77% of college students experience moderate to serious psychological distress.


​We are teaching 300 creators with an average of 1 million followers Dialog Life Skills using our Ai enabled Dialog App. Together, we Connect and Create Dialog Songs, Shows, Merch, Events + more.
Help the world shift from conflict to connection.
Our Vision
Create a Relational Civilization as opposed to the competitive one we have now.

Our Mission
Teach 300 Creators with an average of a million followers how to Dialog. We believe that this will shift the world from conflict to connection.

Our Story
Jaxon accepted an assignment to create and execute a plan to help world renowned relationship therapists Drs. Helen LaKelly Hunt and Harville Hendrix get their work "out of the clinic and into the real world."

App | Songs | Shows | Merch | Events
Creators Connect and Create Dialogical Content to Advance Civilization

Better Relationships
Improved Mental Health
More Career Success
Joyful Aliveness

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